Hypnobirthing Group Course.
Includes: Handouts and Information pack
For Birthability's terms and conditions please read here
If direct deposit is your prefered methods of payment please contact us at education@birthability.com.au
Includes: Handouts and Information pack
For Birthability's terms and conditions please read here
If direct deposit is your prefered methods of payment please contact us at education@birthability.com.au
Includes: Handouts and Information pack
For Birthability's terms and conditions please read here
If direct deposit is your prefered methods of payment please contact us at education@birthability.com.au
The best start for a mother and baby is a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth.The best start for a mother and baby is a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth. Birthability, provides childbirth preparation classes that equip parents-to-be with all the knowledge and practical skills they need to have a safe and joyful birth experience. Make your birth journey is one that you feel physically and emotionally ready for, one where you feel safe and informed and all your choices are heard and respected, one that you will remember positively for a lifetime.
“If I dont’ know my options, I dont have any”
The following topics are all covered in our Lamaze courses:
The basic anatomy and physiology of pregnancy
Stages and phases of labour
Birth location options
What to take to the hospital
How to tell if you are in labour and when to go to the hospital (if you are choosing a hospital birth)
Comfort measures for the physical discomforts of late pregnancy
Physical changes in your body during the 3rd trimester
The role of hormones in labour and postpartum
Comfort measures such as breathing, use of heat and cold, hydrotherapy, massage, counter-pressure and positioning in labour
The role of pain in labour and how to work with it
Communication skills to help you work most effectively with your health care providers
Common hospital procedures and interventions
Caesarean birth
The importance of continuous emotional and physical support
Relaxation and visualization techniques
Beneficial positions for pushing and delivery
The postpartum period for mother, her partner and baby
Newborn care
Postpartum Mental Health
Support and resources for new mothers